Slieve Foye Boxing Day 2023 26/12/2023

DSCF0260 Starting off the Slieve Foye Loop, just leaving Carlingford
Starting off the Slieve Foye Loop, just leaving Carlingford
DSCF0262 Carlingford Harbour, the sea had hardly a ripple
Carlingford Harbour, the sea had hardly a ripple
DSCF0263 looking towards the top
looking towards the top
DSCF0267 looking across Carlingford Lough to Rostrevor
looking across Carlingford Lough to Rostrevor
DSCF0270 the path to the summit
the path to the summit
DSCF0279 looking across to Newry
looking across to Newry
DSCF0280 It was starting to get dark, time to head back
It was starting to get dark, time to head back
DSCF0284 Carlingrford starting to light up
Carlingrford starting to light up
DSCF0285 McKevitt's Christmas lights, Slieve Foye in the background
McKevitt's Christmas lights, Slieve Foye in the background
DSCF0286 Boxing Day - Ma Bakers was packed.
Boxing Day - Ma Bakers was packed.